Current projects !
Hi Italo friends ! Some new projects are on the way for the next months. First, is a new song called "Forget". Pure Italo music with good melody 😉 Second, is a new version of the song "Trading love" by Florence. I've always liked this title and so I redid a new...
Italo4ever – What i wanted (2023)
Hi Italo friends ! I'm very happy to share my last song called "What i wanted".Always Italo rhythm and 80's spirit for your pleasure.I hope you like it 😉 Stay informed by regularly visiting my website Italo4ever
Italo4ever – Dance Party (Unreleased Song) (2019)
Hi Friends, I share with you this song composed in 2019 and not released. Available in the private section 😉 Stay informed by regularly visiting my website Italo4ever
Italo4ever – I know my worth (2022)
Hi Friends, I share with you this song composed a few months ago.A little more modern voice than usual but always Italo music in the background ;-)Hope you like it ! Available in WAV format in the Private Section.Some other projects are already ready for the beginning...
Italo Emotion – My Dreams
 Hi Italo lovers, I'm very happy to share with you the project Italo Emotion. Composed by me and produced by my friend Tomasz Oleszko. This track is a fantastic cooperation. Available on cd with two bonus track made by Flemming Dalum and Sandor Mate. Tracklist : 1.My...
Italo4ever – Keep me close to you (2022)
Hi friends, Â My last title called "Keep me close to you" will be on the new ZYX Italo Disco New Generation Vol.21. Release date is September 9, 2022 : I am currently working on several Italo Disco and...
Italo4ever – Music from space (2022)
 Hi friends,  This is a great day ! My last production "Music from space" is available on the new ZYX Italo Disco SpaceSynth Vol.8 ! Are you ready to fly into new spacesynth music ? I hope you enjoy it. You could buy it on the zyx official website and all platform...
Italo4ever – I need you (2022)
 Hi friends,  I'm very happy to share with you my last title called "I need you". Little more slowly beat than usual but 100% Italo Disco 🙂 New project on the way for soon. Stay informed by regularly visiting my website Italo4ever  Â
Projects Update !
Projects Update ! Hi friends, Â Small update on my musical activity. I currently have 3 projects in progress. 2 are completed but not yet released because they may be on a commercial cd. These titles are "Music from space" and "I need you". The last one is in progress...
Italo4ever on ZYX Italo Disco New Generation Vol.19
Italo4ever - People (ZYX Remix) on the new compilation : ZYX Italo Disco New Generation Vol.19 I'm very happy to appear on ZYX's new compilation with my track "People". Special version for this edition on cd ! Here is the tracklist of this double cd's to buy on...