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24 entries.
István Orosz István Orosz wrote on 17/10/2024 at 2:43 pm
Hi Nicolas my friend! How are you? I haven't heard from you in a long time. I hope everything is going well with you! I still like to listen to your music. Your talent is incredible! The world needs talent like you! I wish you good health from Hungary! Your friend, István
Admin Reply by: Italo4ever
Hi my friend Istvan, Happy to have news from you my friend. All is fine thanks 🙂 I'm working always for my community and have project ready and in progress for soon. I wish you all the best and again thanks for your fidelity. Best greetings from France Nicolas
Chris Chris from Agen - France wrote on 20/05/2024 at 9:46 pm
When I listen to your musical compositions I am transported to a magical world. I feel like a magical energy flowing through me. Well done
Admin Reply by: Italo4ever
Bonjour Chris, Merci pour ton message et ravi de voir que certains français apprécient toujours l'Italo Disco 😉 Au plaisir de te lire, Cordialement Nicolas
赵 from 青岛 wrote on 16/04/2024 at 4:59 am
非常喜欢ITALO 4 EVER系列,感谢创作者的创意付出。
Orosz István Orosz István from Madaras wrote on 25/03/2024 at 1:35 am
Hello my friend! It's been a long time since I wrote, I miss your music 🙂 Hope all is well with you!!!! Best regards, Istvan
Admin Reply by: Italo4ever
Hi my dear Friend ! Thanks for your message and happy to have news from you 😉 Best greetings Nicolas
Dan Dan from Belgium wrote on 02/10/2023 at 9:05 pm
Hello from my little radio studio. Italo4ever - where music transcends into the realms of Italo Disco and Space Synth perfection! Keep the captivating beats alive!
Admin Reply by: Italo4ever
Hi Dan, Thanks for your message and happy you like my music ! Yes i try to keep the spirit of 80's and Italo Disco. Best greetings Nicolas
KAPOSI LÁSZLÓ KAPOSI LÁSZLÓ from Komárom wrote on 02/10/2023 at 7:49 am
Hi Nicolas my friend! Thank you very much for selflessly sharing your new song Italo4ever - Forget (Italo Mix) with me! Fantastic job! Congratulations !
Admin Reply by: Italo4ever
Thanks my friend ! Happy you like it 😉
NrgyBoyDj NrgyBoyDj from México wrote on 01/06/2023 at 3:24 pm
Cordial greetings my dear friend, it is always a pleasure to listen to your beautiful productions and even more so to be able to greet you from Mexico.
Admin Reply by: Italo4ever
Hi my dear friend, Always a pleasure for me too to have news from you 😉 Thanks for your fidelity. Best greetings from France Nicolas
Salvador Salvador from Málaga, España wrote on 18/11/2022 at 9:38 pm
Saludos! Me encanta tu música, llevo muchos años escuchándola!
Admin Reply by: Italo4ever
Hi my friend, Thanks for your message and support ! Best greetings from France Nicolas
VADIM VADIM from йошкар-ола wrote on 22/10/2022 at 7:36 pm
Salut Nicola,меня зовут Вадим и я из России мне 46 лет и я детства обожаю стиль Italo Disco,извини,что пока не могу написать на English or French,очень хочется поблагодарить тебя за творчество,случайно услышал твои композиции 5 месяцев назад и сразу понял,что подобная музыка в твоём исполнении,то что я давно хотел найти и слушать и танцевать под неё!Надеюсь кто-нибудь переведёт тебе с русского на французский моё письмо.Очень хочется купить твой новый CD или хотя бы достать запись с него!С уважением и надеждой продолжать радоваться твоей фантастической музыке!
Admin Reply by: Italo4ever
Привет Вадим, Большое спасибо за ваше сообщение. Я очень рад, что вам нравится моя музыка 😉 У меня есть CD-сингл, который скоро выйдет с 1 новым треком и 2 ремиксами. Я буду продолжать заниматься музыкой, пока могу. Скоро увидимся, мой друг Я надеюсь, что перевод Google будет хорошим С наилучшими пожеланиями.
NrgyBoyDj NrgyBoyDj from México wrote on 12/09/2022 at 4:44 pm
Kind regards my dear friend first I congratulate you for once again appearing in the great compilation of ZYX Italo Disco New Generation Vol. 21And even more so why I will include your beautiful theme in my mix session called "Autumn Mix 2022"I send you a big hug from Mexico and I wish you continue giving us more beautiful songs Your friend Alejandro Delgado (Nrgy Boy Dj) I greet you cordially!
Admin Reply by: Italo4ever
Hi my dear friend and thanks again for your fidelity and interest for my music !! Best greetings from France Nicolas
NrgyBoyDj NrgyBoyDj from México wrote on 27/01/2022 at 4:29 pm
Hello my dear friend Nicolas, it is a great pleasure for me to greet you and to know that you are still in force with your great productions and I hope that this year that is beginning you will share with us great surprises in music... I send you a virtual hug in stereo from Mexico!
Admin Reply by: Italo4ever
Hi my dear friend, Thanks for your message. This year i will release four songs. in May there will be my spacesynth title "Music from space" in the next ZYX Space synth compilaton vol.8. In September, perhaps one more title in the ZYX new generation compilation. I have another project now for more songs. Italo4ever is always working for you and all people who support me 😉 Best greetings from France Nicolas
KAPOSI LÁSZLÓ KAPOSI LÁSZLÓ from Komárom wrote on 24/12/2021 at 11:12 am
Hi Nicolas! I wish you a very Merry Christmas! Best Regards: Leslie From Hungary
Admin Reply by: Italo4ever
Hi Leslie Thanks my friend ! I wish you a merry christmas too ans all the best for you and your family. Thanks for your fidelity. Best greetings Nicolas
Arthur Arthur from Crawley wrote on 08/10/2021 at 7:13 pm
Thankyou for reply , unfortunately only some of the downloads appear to be working,
Admin Reply by: Italo4ever
All download tested and available. No problem my friend 😉
Arthur Arthur from Crawley, Sussex, UK wrote on 01/10/2021 at 2:29 am
Just wonderful music, a fresher version of the original sound with much fuller bass, i can't wait to play this on big speakers. i can't figure out how to buy downloads though .
Admin Reply by: Italo4ever
Hi Arthur, Thanks for your message. You can download all my non commercial productions in the "Production" section --> Submenu "Download" 😉 Best greetings from France Nicolas
NrgyBoyDj NrgyBoyDj from Mexico wrote on 23/07/2021 at 5:19 pm
Siempre nos sorprendes a todos tus seguidores con esa gran creatividad que tienes en tus producciones que no dejan de ser fabulosas y es un halago poderlas disfrutar... Continúa así con gran éxito en tus futuras producciones... Saludos cordiales desde México!
Admin Reply by: Italo4ever
Estoy muy feliz de leer tu comentario. ¡ La música es mi pasión, y saber que puedo hacer feliz a la gente es lo más hermoso! Muchas gracias. Saludos desde Francia Nicolas
István Orosz István Orosz wrote on 07/07/2021 at 1:32 pm
Hi Nicholas, My goodness, the "People" is awesome music!!! Great work. Best regards Istvan
Admin Reply by: Italo4ever
Hi Istvan, Thanks my friend ! Happy you likt it ! This title will be "normally" on the futur zyx new generation 😉 Regards Nicolas
Alejandro Delgado Ambíz Alejandro Delgado Ambíz from Tultitlán wrote on 01/05/2021 at 5:07 am
Best regards, friend Nicolás! I am grateful for allowing me to be part of your community and to be able to enjoy your excellent productions at the Italo-Disco New Generation. Which for me as a DJ I will include them in the mixes that I share on YouTube with great pleasure. I hope to continue enjoying all your future productions as they are excellent! I send you a big hug in stereo from Mexico!
Admin Reply by: Italo4ever
Hi Alejandro, Happy to read your message my friend ! And I hope to continue making music that will please you 😉 I wish you all the best too. Greetings from France Nicolas
Guillermo Choque Guillermo Choque from Argentina , Comodoro Rivadavia wrote on 07/03/2021 at 6:51 pm
Hola Nicolas, Muy Buenas tus Versiones y muy buen trabajo , y también por mantener encendida la llama del Italo Dance, yo también tengo 50 años y aun recuerdo en mi juventud , todas esa melodías que llevo en el alma , Clásicos Sin Fecha de Vencimiento como digo yo siempre, es un placer que compartamos el mismo gusto por el estilo musical , gracias por dejarme ser parte de el y un fuerte Abrazo a la distancia desde la Patagonia Argentina para vos y todos los que disfrutamos de Este Estilo Musical !!!
Admin Reply by: Italo4ever
Hola guillermo Muchas gracias por tu mensaje que me hace muy feliz. La música no tiene edad e Italo Disco siempre estará con nosotros. Me alegra saber que te gusta mi música. Te deseo todo lo mejor en tu vida. Tu amigo Nicolás de Francia. (Disculpe el mal español ... Google me ayudó :-))
Saxon71 Saxon71 wrote on 29/01/2021 at 7:42 pm
Hello Nicolas!!! ITALO4EVER – MAGIC STORY (ITALO MIX) It became a real masterpiece, no big congratulations. I would ask if the private section makes it lossless ?? I would be very happy for him and I think the others!! Regards Sándor
Admin Reply by: Italo4ever
Hi Sandor, Thanks for your message. Yes it will be available very soon in the private section. I will try for this week-end 😉 Regards Nicolas
Schefler Tibor (DiscoBoy) Schefler Tibor (DiscoBoy) from Carei wrote on 24/12/2020 at 12:37 pm
Hi Nicolas! We wrote very old, but many years have passed since then, unfortunately. I really like your music, you have real BIG music! I really appreciate the music I got in the private area and I can’t wait to listen to them all! I wish you a Merry Christmas and a Very Happy New Year! Greeting Tibi!
Admin Reply by: Italo4ever
Hi my friend ! Really happy to read your kinds words 🙂 I wish you a Merry Christmas too for you and your family. I hope to add and keep good music for future 🙂 Best regards Nicolas